
On My Birthday

It is my birthday today. Am I supposed to be happy and celebrate it?
Though getting old is usually not a happy event for people who are already old enough, I still regard it right to celebrate one's birthday, because the celebration is not for the sake of getting old, but for the fact that you were born and are here now.
This year, just like the last three years, I am going to celebrate my birthday with my husband. Although we got married only three years ago, we have been together for such a long time. It seems we will be able to stay together for many more years since we both are quite healthy, but who knows? An accident could happen at any moment or there might be some cruel disease hiding deep inside our body, waiting for the right time to develop, and even if we survive to be quite old, the day will surely come when we have to be separated by death. Death is always with us. We are just adjourning the moment we face it.
The idea of death being with us all the time makes me feel like cherishing this moment to the full. Every moment is so precious I don’t want to waste it in complaining or arguing. I would rather try my best to make each moment full of love and laughter. I am happy being alive so that I can love, and I am even happier I have someone to celebrate my birthday with.


Anonymous said...

You make this world a better place to live in..keep up your positive attitude!!! Spread your loves & laughters to all....

By the way..Happy Birthday Coomin ;)

Anonymous said...

Yeah I enjoy you idea about death but there is something you need to know.
Except a man be born again he/ she cannot see the kingdom of God.
Death can come at any time fine but if death come where will you spend your eternity?

It is appointed for a man once to dye and after death judgement.
The question is are you prepared to face God's judgement?

The life you live will it take you to heaven or hell.

Are you born again, free from sin?
Is Christ you Lord and personnal savior?

Jesus is the way the truth and the life, whosoever comes to him shall not die. Not physical death but the
spiritual one.

All i want you to do is to give you life to Jesus.
The only way to this is by aknowledging youself as a sinner and confessing your sins, ask Jesus to reign in your life as your Lord and Savior.

If anyman be in Christ, he/she is a new creature. Old things have passed away behold all things have become knew.

Try Jesus He never fails.

coomin said...

Thank you for the comment. I think you are a very kind, religious person trying to give me a piece of advice which will lead me to an eternal life. In Buddhism, however, it is believed we are already saved without God or gods or even Buddha.
Anyway it is always nice to hear different opinions, isn't it.

mukund said...

Just superb. YOu have expressed your thoughts in perfect wording. Yes. Please enjoy your life.

Ogo said...

You just said what exist in your area. But the fact is that we have one God and saviour who is the creator of the whole universe.

My dear there is a way of escape from a false and muddled belief.
This way is JESUS CHRIST. He was manifested to destroy the works of the devil.
You must be born again.
It is TRANSFORMATION - a sudden change of your life in JESUS. You become a new creature and old things are passed away.

This is the only way of escape from eternal damnation.
Allow Christ to destroy all the works( deceit and sin) of the devil in your life.

Run into the arms of JESUS now! it is not too late for you. Jesus loves you.


Anonymous said...

You just said what exist in your area. But the fact is that we have one God and saviour who is the creator of the whole universe.

My dear there is a way of escape from a false and muddled belief.
This way is JESUS CHRIST. He was manifested to destroy the works of the devil.
You must be born again.
It is TRANSFORMATION - a sudden change of your life in JESUS. You become a new creature and old things are passed away.

This is the only way of escape from eternal damnation.
Allow Christ to destroy all the works( deceit and sin) of the devil in your life.

Run into the arms of JESUS now! it is not too late for you. Jesus loves you.
